Montag, 28. April 2014

Day 2

Day 2

Today i covered a lot of things.
After we did the last realy easy things i decided to go on to the animations.
So i have learned a lot about Eventgroups, the Image Editor and Animations and Subevents.

I just tell you what i had done and then show you my event page.

First of all i switched the direction property of the 8-direction behaviour of my character and set directions to 4-directions because im to lazy to draw animations for 8 directions :)

So next Step is drawing single pictures for IDEL-left,right,down,up and for walking in all those directions.
After that i created a "walking" folder in the animation section of the image editor of my character. I created 8 animations. One for every standing direction and one for every walking direction. Then i changed the Speed of my walking directions animations to 3. Just because i like the Speed on this. I also made sure that the idel-Down animation is my first animation in the list. So at the beginning my character looks down and stands still.

Then i had to make a lot of events. for That i learned about Sub-Events and Eventgroups. Eventgroups are very nice to keep things in order and i think you should use them. I made groups for the attacks the arrowkey-pressed down and arrowkey-released.

Now the Events are very easy . Its just, when you press down an arrow key it sets the animation to the walking animation and if you release the key it will change the animation to the standing animation of this direction. I made this in 2 different events. So thats what i did at Day 2 and what i have learned. I hope it is helping you. If you have Questions just ask.

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